Sunday, October 10, 2010

Say Cheese!

Assignment 1-2

              Pop culture, short for popular culture, is to put simply the fads, trends, events, current cultural trends and even people that captivate our society. Pop culture is everything in today’s society. Do you really think all of those magazines on the supermarket shelves would exist without it? No!
         Having an understanding to pop culture in ones past, current and future career is detrimental to success. For example, a magazine photographer needs to know the latest trends in fashion and hair to have a successful shoot. Granted I am most positive that the photographer would have a team that would also be up to date on all of those issues.
         Being up to date on technology is also part of pop culture. Today’s world relies on technology. For the magazine photographer to be successful in their career, they would need the best digital camera and an amazing computer and software to edit the photos they capture.
         I feel that the camera is a huge artifact of pop culture. The camera has greatly evolved overtime. Once being a luxury item to families in the nineteenth century to becoming a simple gadget we access on our phones.  Everything we do or see is related in some way or another to the camera. Say cheese!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, I agree that the camera has gone through an amazing amount of evolution over the years. My grandparents are still amazed whenever I take a picture with my phone.
