Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wonderful Women...

Assinment 3-2

            Oprah Winfrey, you can say her name and everyone knows who she is. All around the world she is known for her great success and generous philanthropy projects. Marilyn Monroe an actress who took everyone by surprise in the 1950’s by working her way up from a struggling model to a celebrity starlet. Lastly, Emily Dickinson, a shy and secluded poet who shared remarkable words and stories and was only well known after her death. These three women are remarkable in their own ways, and in common, they all are a few of history’s most well known icons.
            Oprah Winfrey has been represented as a kind and generous woman, not only in America but all around the world. Even with rough times throughout her childhood and adolescent years, she has overcome the hardships and has become one of the most successful women in the world. This grand title gives some hope to everyone who sees her as inspiration. She goes after what she believes in and stays a true and honest woman.
            Marilyn Monroe also grew up with many disadvantages. She was passed from different orphanages to foster homes throughout her childhood. This woman knew from a young age that to get where she wanted to be she had to do anything to get noticed. She became a notorious actress with dreams of only becoming an even bigger starlet. Sadly through suicide, her life was cut at a young age.
            Emily Dickinson grew up in much different circumstances. She lived in an affluent college town where her father was a lawyer and congressman. She was a shy and timid girl who kept to herself. She had few friends and her interest in writing and reading kept her busy, not only as a child but also throughout her life. She passed away at the young age of 55 and this was when all of her wonderful creations were discovered and after many years they were shared with the world.
            These women are a few of history's notorious icons. Whether they were or are well loved or criticized in their time, they prevailed and their memory will last forever. As a young woman who has no desire to become famous or known like these woman are, they really make me look more carefully into what I am doing with my life. Am I following my dreams? Am I doing something that will one day be noticed and appreciated by someone else? I wonder if you asked these questions to a young Oprah, Marilyn, or Emily what there answers would be. Hmmmm…

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